'Reprogramming' Zine Submissions Now Open!

Happy 420!

We hope this note finds you in good health. We are sending love to every person reading this letter. <3

Happy 4202024! Enjoy your holidaze, we will be ;)

As we announced in our last email, we are excited to switch themes for issue 07 of our zine! The new theme is: REPROGRAMMING.


Women.Weed.WiFi's reason for creation was  to facilitate and advance the holistic health of ourselves and community. At a time when all the walls of the old empire are crumbling and illusions are irreversibly shattered, collectively we are in need of reprogramming. We invite all femme-identifying artists with emphasis on BIPOC women to submit their artwork of all mediums centered around the theme of REPROGRAMMING -- finding alternative and new pathways / patterns in the machine that is our brains and the larger collective machine of society. Reprogramming includes disrupting old habits, thought patterns, and beliefs that no longer serve us , and creating / enforcing new neural, social, physical, and spiritual pathways to leave a world *better* than we received it. Please forward this newsletter to anyone you feel might be interested in submitting! Email submissions to: high@womenweedwifi.com !

~Detox to Reprogram~
by Nasty Muva & Kenya Ku$h

In order to download new programs you need to clear the old cookies and delete what's no longer serving you. Detoxing, or spring cleaning, is necessary to prep your mind, body, and soul for new possibilities and opportunities for growth. If we are backed up, not only will it be harder to move, but nearly impossible to shift radically. 

What’re some of your favorite ways to detox your body?

Nasty Muva: My favorite way to detox the body involves drinking hot lemon water,  and increasing probiotic intake to balance the pH, eating meals and drinking antioxidants juices that make my girl down there smell yummy.. Additionally, practicing easy twists and gentle compression yoga poses targeting the solar plexus

Kenya Ku$h: Taking cleansing baths with ACV and epsom  salts, sometimes essential oils or crystals, but really just the hot water with salt and vinegar is enough. I also rely on exercise and physical activity for release and detox. I really enjoy the release of endorphins from movement and the sweat that comes from putting work in.

What’s a favorite method of detoxing  your energy field / spirit ?

Nasty Muva: For detoxing my energy field and spirit, I find cutting my hair, cleansing mirrors with Florida water, and centering my actions around how I can be good medicine for earth arre all effective methods for me. Engaging in subconscious forgiveness towards my mother allows me to address any lingering feelings of judgment or intergenerational trauma. Through ceremonial writing, tears, and infusing love into sacred spaces, I release emotional burdens, even on a cellular level. Working with flower essences adds another layer of healing and clarity to this process.

Kenya Ku$h: Meditate, shower or bathe, alone time, talking to my ancestors. Calling back all my energy to myself that may be misaligned. If I feel overwhelmed by external energy while I'm in public, simply washing my hands can be an easy reset hack. I've also noticed that since being more conscious of following the BDS list, that my overall consumption has reduced, which also reduces the amount of outside energy I'm consuming. 

What're some things that help you detox or reset  your mental health ?

Nasty Muva: Lately, I've found my nighttime routine immensely beneficial for resetting my mental health. It includes joyful activities like savoring tea, indulging in erotic novels, and listening to a sleepy vibey playlist. Taking walks for mental health detox, using the LiftTalk app for virtual therapy, practicing naming triggers+journaling them, and wearing bright colors have also been helpful. 

Kenya Ku$h: When I feel mentally stagnant, I like to reset my physical space back to its nearest form. After doing chores, I might water my plants if they need it, and cleanse the air with Pablo santo. I find the link between my personal space and mental space to be direct, and getting more into a routine in the last few years has helped me. 

What are you consuming ( food, media, substances etc.) that are adding to your reprogramming?

Nasty Muva: I've been immersing myself in the 'Finding Our Way' podcast by Prentis Hemphill, exploring financial health resources, and taking various classes on creativestudy.com. I found online grief pods and Palestine solidarity pods through lumos transforms. Other happenings that contributed to my reprogramming are things like dancing with my babies and practicing somatic techniques help me navigate through intense emotions and create space for alignment. Eating kamayan style (with my hands), has brought a sense of home and mindfulness to mealtime, a traditional way of eating in the Philippines. Research even suggests that the nerve endings on the fingers direct the body to release digestive juices and enzymes as soon as they feel texture and temperature of food.

Kenya Ku$h: Green onions , green tea, favorite artists from childhood. Using cannabis medicine to regulate my nervous system. Browsing through art books and visiting museums for visual inspiration. I have also been reading a lot of books on the free Libby app, such as The Hundred Years' War on Palestine, I Was Born There, I was Born Here, and The Sex Lives of African Women.

What ways have you been spring cleaning/ detoxing? 

Thank you so much to all those who have sent in submissions already!

Reminder to forward this email to any artist you think might be interested in submitting. Email submissions to: high@womenweedwifi.com !

In love and solidarity, 