Guest Curated Zine: For the Love of Women.Weed.WiFi
![Guest Curated Zine: For the Love of Women.Weed.WiFi](
Cover of WWW Presents: For the Love of Women.Weed.WiFi. Art by Janice Ibarra
Hello, hello!
We are excited to share our first guest-curated zine by Meshell Sturgis called, “For the Love of Women.Weed.WiFi.”
When Meshell reached out about curating a zine inspired by the theme and values of Women.Weed.WiFi with contributions from artists and scholars in her network we were excited to see what came of the unique experiment of expression!
Below are the WWWiFi Editor’s Letter and Meshell’s letter as Guest Curator, along with a couple selections from the zine. Feel free to browse through the full zine as a digital download below and see what came of the collab <3
If you or your collective is interested in creating a zine or publication with/ through Women.Weed.WiFi reach out to !
Kenya Ku$h & Nasty Muva
Back Cover: Freedom Msg Mixed Media by Janice Ibarra and Tiffany Williamson