Mystic Marijuana: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

Mystic Marijuana: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

Check yourself, rising Kundalini, you're in direct contact and living proof of the karmic resolution ‘bout to take place. Also check the ambassadors of spirit in human form you keep in your tight circle. 

The beauty of a coven:   

  • Reshapes your creativity, with so much magic to go around.

  • Reevaluate each other’s spells—what worked and what didn’t.

  • Reconstitutes the demand of a physical presence.

  • We work gradually with our prayers towards no motion at all. Reset tomorrow; remember our intentions.

  • We dig into fear until we dig out of ignorance. The very treasures we rely upon are outside of those holes and the wonders of our lives lead us to greater shifts.

  • Witches may drag across the muddy waters of no hope, but never crawl into its destruction. Witches only see reflection when water is still, not running.

  • We do not seek unimportant tasks— our secrecy, manifestations in motion; our words open doors to enchantment; and our hustle opens doors of truths. These are a few out of the many twists of great fortune.

  • A coven follows magic. Magic is the unseeable, yet believable. A coven is network of womxn dedicated to the practice of magic. A coven motivates one another to practice, believe, and dedicate energy to magic.

When motivation comes and goes, whether it’s fleeting or powerful, remind or reset your mind. Dedication—she is there every god damn day. She is a sister to the muse, love her company. 

A coven is another language. Put that on your alter, for we are all goddesses at once. 


Forever young and wise witch, whenever you're situated next to absence, drink the sky in great gulps. Open your legs wide, place your feet to touch, as a basin, under wet trees. Cry songs that sailors and mermaids sing. No more half-naked truths. Swear on your dreams, you'll remain vulnerable.